Pay Increase for Aged Care Workers recently Fast-Tracked

Mar 6th, 2023

In November last year, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) announced their decision to offer nurses and personal care workers a pay increase of a staggering 15%, which was originally to be phased in through two stages.
The first stage was set to increase their pay by 10% from 1 July, with the latter stage increasing their pay by the remaining 5%, 12 months later.
However, this decision was met with criticisms from various stakeholders including the Australian Workers Union (AWU), Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) and the Health Services Union (HSU), who claimed that there was no cogent argument that proved phasing the pay increase in interims provided a more manageable process as opposed to awarding this increasing in full.
The Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) and the Australian Business Industrial (ABI) further argued that this pay increase disadvantaged non-direct care workers such as chefs and recreational officers, which statistically make up a larger proportion of the aged care workforce.
The argument to have non-direct care workers included in the pay increase was met with overwhelming support from the Aged Care Workforce Industry Council (ACWIC), and their Chair added that in light of the skills shortage within the industry, this pay increase would help foster a person-centred environment that ensures that expectations of the community are met with an adequate workforce.
Thus, in respect to the backlash that was received from various stakeholders, the FWC recently ruled for the 15% pay increase to take full effect on June 30, which will also apply to recreational and lifestyle officers within aged care facilities.

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