Plans afoot to help older Australians

May 21st, 2018

There are some favourable government initiatives being handed down in Scott Morrison’s budget.

To counter age discrimination in the workforce, the government is providing a Restart wage subsidy of up to $10,000 for employers who hire mature age employees. There is also funding to re-skill older Australians under a program called the Skills and Training Incentive. This will help to enhance their skills and explore new career opportunities. Over three years, this program will offer funding of up to $2000 for workers aged between 45 and 70 to reskill or upskill. This funding is intended to be matched by the worker or their employer.

Further education of employees enhances their competency which has positive flow on effects for the business. Advancing your employees also strengthens the employer/employee relationship, clearly showing your commitment to investing in their aptitude and skills acquisition.

The Restart subsidy is the perfect opportunity to include a mature age person as a member of your staff. Maturity brings many advantages not least of which are an ability to roll with the punches, a solid work ethic and level headedness. Older workers are also less likely to be on the relationship roller coaster. Age and experience count for something!

We have included two resources from our website which you may find helpful. To access the full library of over 600 resources contact us.
How to Help Older Employees Stay Valuable

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